2024 was a bit of a trainwreck.
I may have had some wonderful events occur during that time, like taking a California vacay for a week, and I've made some miracles in my drawing hobby here and there, but for the most part, it was SUCH a mental slog.
Whether or not I'm fully returning yet, outside of the occasional art posting, is still up in the air, but I'm briefly stepping in to address some updates with how I'll be managing this social media stuff.
For starters, I'm definitely ditching my need of personal quotas. Those have accomplished nothing but the death of my sleep balance and my sanity. This is nothing more than a hobby after all, so I shouldn't be demanding more out of myself than usual.
My main YouTube has already been like this for a long while, but it now only serves as a video dump of whatever I find and/or feel like uploading.
There's a chance I might upload more animations there if the time and motivation ever arises, but I'm going to see how my animation class (starting around mid-January) goes before I jump the gun on any of that stuff. I'm hoping to learn how to make real good puppet rigs.
And to that very niche populous probably demanding I come back to my roots of remaking logos (vanity plates, whatever your chosen terminology is), stop while you're ahead. The mass spark for all that has been long dead, not to mention that group alone was (and still is) pretty toxic. I refuse to associate with them ever again (impersonator already tried lopping me back in there, thankfully to a fault), and very rarely do I remake logos anymore (all of that being uploaded under my side channel made specifically for those, to also help de-clutter the primary video dump).
At my current state, and honestly for my own sake, I feel I can only stay around for maybe one more year tops, but we'll see how 2025 shakes out before I set anything of that nature in stone.
Wish you all the best.
A happy new year to all! Let's hope it's at least marginally better than the last.
- B-RY-N